Silicon Valley Legends
Product Launch
Developed content and logistics for profitable, scalable, and enjoyable Silicon Valley Tour
Silicon Valley Innovation Center's core business is setting up meetings between Silicon Valley tech companies and businesses around the world for knowledge exchange and possible commercial partnerships.
SVIC also conducted an unprofitable "one day tech tour" with the hope of converting tech tour attendees into high paying business meeting clients.
The core of SVIC's work was to arrange meetings for high paying business clients. Attendees of the tech tour were lower paying individuals; however SVIC still put in the prep work of finding (and often paying) tech industry experts to meet the group.
This put a high time burden on SVIC staff that could otherwise focus their time on higher paying projects. Therefore the program was not actively marketed.
I redesigned the tech tour from being based on meetings to being based on engaging content at public locations.
The first hour and a half of the program would be held at SVIC's office and include: 1) a presentation on innovation culture, 2) VR Demo, 3) Tesla autonomous mode test drive.
For the rest of the day, I developed tour content by researching the history of Stanford, Google, NASA, Intel, and Apple. These are Silicon Valley Legends that are on a direct route.
After testing the tour with two groups we decided the program was engaging and inexpensive to operate. It only required one guide and one driver. SVIC then put marketing budget into promoting the program and I trained additional guides how to deliver the content. (You can see me featured in the marketing video below.)
Two members of the Young Presidents Organization had nice things to say about the program.